food delivery in taiwan 在 Foreigner in Taiwan BLINDLY Eats the TOP 5 Scariest Taiwanese Foods! 外國人盲吃台灣五大最恐怖美食:三菜一湯 ! 的影片資訊
After weeks of eating the same delivery food day after day, I try something different and give contr...
After weeks of eating the same delivery food day after day, I try something different and give contr...
Eat delicious foods from Foodpanda here in Taiwan with me and with Shopback. I can't think of someth...
賓狗的更多英文學習資源: · 全英文 podcast · 視訊家教 · 線上課程:發音教學、文法解析 1...
其實我當外送員是有不得已的苦衷…😨 載著粉絲點的餐點送到家門口給驚喜,會認出我來嗎 ? 還特地準備了玫瑰花,最浪漫外送員不專業登場 🥰 👇 乾媽的工商時間👇 台灣第一張專屬女性的信用卡-台新玫瑰卡...
Nature N8 is calling out food companies that greenwash their products and limit our food options. On...
🤗Coucou 我是法國Anna 去法國前事情比較忙常常用UBER EAT或是 FOODPANDA 點餐,我覺得超方便 所以回去法國我就想試試看法國有沒有跟台灣那麼厲害? Let’s find ou...
夏天到了~台灣人跟外國人都愛夏天~ 那夏天就是要吃冰!!! 台北市敦南京附近的春美冰菓屋的夏日限定芒果雪花冰也來了! 使用自己做的牛奶雪花冰還有芒果醬的芒果雪花冰又好吃又很適合拍照上傳到IG或...
不要鬧粉絲團: 請訂閱不要鬧: 訂閱第二頻道: 音樂: http:/...
Hey guys! There will be a series of my vlog diary when I was in Taiwan for the christmas vacation. H...